RSNA 2020
This week Canon Medical Systems participates at RSNA 2020.
See sneak peek video and more info here:
The digital exhibition starts on Sunday 29th of November and continues for 1 week.
This week Canon Medical Systems participates at RSNA 2020.
See sneak peek video and more info here:
The digital exhibition starts on Sunday 29th of November and continues for 1 week.
Arcoma presenterar på Erik Penser Banks bolagsdag den 25 november 2020 då Arcomas nya VD, Sanna Rydberg berättar om bolaget samt deltar på intervju.
Presentationen livestreamas på Erik Pensers YouTubekanal, Penser Play.
In accordance with what was communicated in the Press Release from Arcoma on April 15, 2020, Sanna Rydberg has now taken the position as CEO of the company as of September 28, 2020.
Visit the digital ECR 2020 today and see the booth of Canon Medical Components Business Group including the new Arcoma Precision i5.
You will find it using this link after registration:
(Registrer at
In the latest customer magazine from our swedish distributor, Mediel AB the new product from Arcoma is in focus. The article describes the new product with benefits and features as well as information from our product manager, Linda Ungsten about what was the focus when we developed the Arcoma Precision i5. You can read the article in swedish in the “Mediel Magazine” or in English here.
Konica Minolta och Arcoma inledde under år 2019 ett samarbete gällande utveckling av två nya produkter. Produkterna baseras på Arcomas produktplattform och integrerar Konica Minoltas detektorer och mjukvara.