At this page you will find information about Arcomas business and financial position. The information at this page is aimed at shareholders and potential investors.
Avslutar 2024 med starka marginaler
Arcomas VD Mattias Leire intervjuas av Hjalmar Jernström efter bolagets Q4-rapport. Intervjun berör marginalutvecklingen för Arcoma, aktiviteten i Europa och Nordamerika, samt bolagets utvecklingsarbete för att bredda produkterbjudandet.
- Bokslutskommuniké 2024 – Vi avslutar 2024 med stark lönsamhet och summerar ett helår med rekordvinst. (MAR) 2025-02-13
- Kvartalsrapport Q3 2024 – Stark EBITDA trots lägre omsättning – Rörelseresultatet mer än dubblerat under 2024 (MAR) 2024-10-24
- Kvartalsrapport Q2 2024 – Ett starkt andra kvartal, nettoomsättningen ökar med 9%, EBITDA ökar 103% och EBITDA-marginalen når 14% (MAR) 2024-08-15
- Arcoma lanserar nästa generation Arcoma Intuition i3. 2024-05-31
Valberedning utsedd
Bengt Julander, utsedd av Linc AB, Mats Thorén, representerande eget innehav och Vixco Capital AB, Henrik Söderberg, utsedd av Priego AB och Lars Kvarnhem.
Valberedningens uppgift är att inför årsstämman förbereda och framlägga förslag avseende ordförande vid årsstämman, antal stämmovalda styrelseledamöter, ordförande och övriga stämmovalda ledamöter i styrelsen, arvode och annan ersättning till var och en av de stämmovalda styrelseledamöterna och till ledamöter av styrelsens utskott, antal revisorer, revisorer, arvode till revisor samt val av valberedning alternativt beslut om principer för tillsättande av valberedning och beslut om instruktion för valberedningen inför årsstämman 2025.
Aktieägare som önskar lämna synpunkter eller framlägga förslag till valberedningen kan göra detta via e-post märkt ”Att. Valberedningen” till eller via brev till Arcoma AB, Valberedningen, Annavägen 1, 352 46 Växjö. För att valberedningen ska kunna beakta ett förslag måste förslaget ha inkommit i god tid före årsstämman, dock senast den 31 januari 2025.
Valberedningens förslag kommer att presenteras i kallelsen till årsstämman och på bolagets hemsida.
Company presentations & interviews
Q2 2024: Momentum i Nordamerika och god kostnadskontroll
Arcomas VD Mattias Leire intervjuas efter bolagets Q2-rapport 2024.
Q1 2024: Tillväxtmomentum drivet av fortsatt hög aktivitet i Nordamerika
Arcomas VD Mattias Leire intervjuas efter bolagets Q1-rapport 2024.
Q4 2023: Rekordstarkt Q4 bygger momentum in i 2024
Arcomas VD Mattias Leire intervjuas efter bolagets Q4-rapport 2023.
Q3 2024: Stark tillväxt och god lönsamhet i Q3
Arcomas VD Mattias Leire intervjuas efter bolagets Q2-rapport 2024.
Investor analysis
Interested in investing in Arcoma?
See our company presentation and learn more about Arcoma and our market.
Board of directors
Lars Kvarnhem, born in 1972, has more than 20 years of experience in global management and business development of companies and business processes within the MedTech industry.
Lars works exclusively as an investor, primarily in the field of Medical Technology. Holds several board assignments which includes Chairman of the board of Arcoma AB (publ), Stille (publ), Ninex AB, Reison Medical AB, Priego AB, MediPlac GmbH, Richardsons Healthcare Ltd and Borad member of A-best Intressenter AB.
Year of birth 1972
Chairman since 2017
Shares 1 471 925 (2024-03-31) through Priego AB
Lars is dependent in relation to major shareholders.
Mats Thorén has extensive experience in the medical technology sector, including with Handelsbanken Capital Markets as an account executive for the health sector in Corporate Finance, as an analyst in the biotechnology and medical technology at Enskilda Securities as well as Partner at Catella Healthcare AB. Previous board appointments include inter alia C-Rad AB, Inter Life Science AB, Cellartis AB and MIP Technologies AB.
Year of birth 1971
Member/deputy 2012/2010
Shares 668 000 (2022-12-31) directly and through Vixco Capital AB Independent in relation to major shareholders
Other assignments Board member of: Pulsetten AB, Vixco Capital AB, Xbrane Biopharma AB, Herantis Pharma Oyj, Bioporto A/S, FluoGuide A/S, C-Rad AB, Arcoma Incentive AB and board substitute for Eggelbertus Holding AB.
Mats is independent in relation to major shareholders.
Jan Wahlström, born in 1967, has extensive experience from leading positions at international companies in medical technology, life science and laboratory instruments. He is the CEO of Mabtech AB since May 2022.
Previous assignments Jan has held are CEO of Elos Medtech, CEO of Biolin Scientific and Chairman of the Board of Insplorion AB.
Year of birth 1967
Member since 2022
Shares 70 000
Other assignments: Jan Wahlström’s other assignments include: Chairman of the Board of Mablax AB, Board member of Alexam AB, Mabtech AB, CEO of Mabtech AB and Mabtech group holding AB.
Jan Wahlström is considered to be independent both in relation to the company, its management and in relation to its major shareholders.
Management team
Mattias Leire has extensive experience from leading positions, including the last 9 years within Atos Medical.
Mattias has a background as a consultant at McKinsey and Atos Medical, where he held several international roles. These have included CEO roles within subsidiaries, VP & General Manager, VP Business Finance and VP Tracheostomy. Mattias has been involved in several acquisitions and also the sale of Atos Medical from EQT to PAI Partners.
Year of birth 1981
Employeed since 2023
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares 133 500
Stock options 130 000 (2022/25)
Contact info
Johan Dahlberg has a master’s degree from Lund University and experience in most roles in finance, such as Business Controller, Accounting Manager and Finance Manager.
Most recently, he came from a business-related role at BIMobject, where he mainly worked with business follow-up. Prior to BIMobject, Johan worked for seven years at Qlik, a leading company in Business Intelligence, including the role of Finance Manager for Qlik’s Nordic sales companies.
Year of birth 1984
Employeed since 2022
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares 0
Contact info
André Malmberg has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Linnaeus University and has been a manager for almost 10 years in manufacturing industries, such as automotive and electrical industries.
Most recently André comes from KraftPowercon Sweden AB, where he had the role of Operations manager.
Year of birth 1988
Employed since 2025
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares 2985
Contact info
Linda holds a Master of Science in Engineering from Linköping University of Technology and experience as product manager at Bombardier Transportation and from employment within Radiological Physics at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Year of birth 1974
Employed since 2008, in her current position since 2011
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares None
Contact info
Henrik Blomdahl has over 20 years of experience in the medical technology industry. Most recently, Henrik comes from Invacare Rea AB, where he had the role of QA/RA Manager Nordics.
Prior to that he worked as a quality technician at Getinge Disinfection in Växjö, focusing on supplier quality, project management and internal and external audits.
Employed since 2021
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares None
Contact info
Daniel Warawąsowski has extensive experience in sales, the medical industry and from working with Canon systems. Daniel has previously worked at DMS Imaging and Konica Minolta.
Year of birth 1983
Employed since 2024
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares None
Contact info
Johan Henningsson has a bachelor in mechanical engineering at Linné University. Johan has a background as a mechanical engineer at Arcoma.
Year of birth 1971
Employed since 1994, in current position since 2014.
Other assignments None
Own and related party shares 7254
Contact info
Share information
According to Articles of Association of Arcoma AB:
- The share capital shall not be less than 12 000 000 Kronor and no more then 48 000 000 Kronor.
- The number of shares shall not be less than 6 000 000 shares and no more then 24 000 000 shares.
- Registered share capital is 26 371 120 kronor.
- The shares is issued under the Companies Act and is denominated in Swedish kronor.
- There is only one type of share. All shares carry equal rights to the Company’s assets and results, and are entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting. One share equals one vote.
- Company’s share register is kept by Euroclear Sweden AB (former VPC AB), Box 7822, 103 97 Stockholm. Shareholders of the Company will receive no physical share. All transactions with the Company’s shares are done electronically through authorized banks and broker- dealers. Newly issued shares will be registered in person in electronic format.
- Issuer and the account operator is Erik Penser Bank, Apelbergsgatan 27, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm
- The shares ISIN-Code is SE0006219176
- The LEI code is 549300C0DH9EESDQUA52
Register Date: 2024-09-30
Main Share |
Percentage of |
Linc AB |
27,6% |
Priego AB |
11,2% |
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB |
6,3% |
Avanza Pension |
6,0% | |
Futur Pension |
8,0% | |
Mats Thorén via companies | 5,1% | |

Investor relations contact
Questions for the Investor Relations
department can be emailed to or submitted
by clicking on the button below.

Certified adviser
The company´s Certified Adviser
is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)
Phone +46(0) 73 85 64 265

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refer to the Financial Supervisory
Authority’s website: